Interviews with World Leaders

Adil has interviewed several World Leaders, from a UN Secretary-General to Heads of State, from Nobel Laureates to those who have led mission-critical organisations like the WTO, World Bank, NATO and NASA. Click on the photo to watch the respective episodes.

Ban Ki-moon

Former United Nations Secretary-General

Muhammad Yunus

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Kim Campbell

Former Canadian Prime Minister

Leon Panetta

Former US Defense Secretary & CIA Director

Jaap De Hoop Scheffer

Former NATO Secretary-General

John Howard

Former Australian Prime Minister

Shirin Ebadi

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Mary Robinson

Former Irish President

Margot Wallström

Former Swedish Foreign Minister

Chris Patten

Former Hong Kong Governor

Maj. Gen. Charles Bolden

Former NASA Director

Dr Richard Haass

11th President of The Council On Foreign Relations

Gareth Evans

Former Australian Foreign Minister

Professor Noam Chomsky

Public Intellectual & Political Theorist

Professor Joseph Nye

Leading International Relations Scholar

Ian Bremmer

Eurasia Group President

Jane Goodall

UN Messenger of Peace

Awn Al-Khasawneh

Former Jordanian Prime Minister

Malcolm Turnbull

Former Australian Prime Minister

Pekka Haavisto

Finland Foreign Minister

Philip Hammond

Former British Foreign Secretary
Vuk Jeremić, Former President of the UN General Assembly

Vuk Jeremić

Former UN General Assembly President

Pascal Lamy

Former World Trade Organisation Director-General

Tony Abbott

Former Australian Prime Minister

Scott Morrison

Former Australian Prime Minister

Khémaies Jhinaoui,

Former Tunisian Foreign Minister

María Fernanda Espinosa

Former UN General Assembly President
Portrait of Dennis Francis, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to the United Nations.

Dennis Francis

UN General Assembly President

Rob Zoellick

Former World Bank President

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

Former Malaysian Prime Minister